Club Wheatshocker Nets

***Every Wednesday***

  • 7:00 PM Yaesu Fusion Digital via Kansas City Room or Local KC Area Repeaters 444.400+, 442.600+, and 443.725+ (for more info see
  • After this Digital Net is the 40 meter Roundtable around 7.273 MHz LSB
***Every Thursday***
  • 7:00 PM on Analog Repeater 145.290 MHz  (- offset) with a 151.4 Hz tone
  • After this 2 meter Net is the 10 meter Roundtable on 28.475 MHz USB (this frequency is within the Technician License Class)


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Upcoming Meetings & Programs

July 12, 2024  7:00 pm

- IN-PERSON Business Meeting/Program... Field Day Debrief.


July 26, 2024  7:00 pm

- IN-PERSON Program... How loud or soft do you sound on the air?  Bring your HT to find out.



Meeting Minutes for Approval

Minutes from June 14th meeting for Approval at July 12, 2024 Meeting

==> Minutes June 14 2024.pdf


President's Corner

July 2024

Field Day 2024 is in the books. There are so many to thank for making another successful Field Day for the Club. That all started Thursday before Field Day when a dedicated group gathered at my house to help load the trailer. Or was it to be one of the first to get a good look at the Club’s new mast?

On Friday morning everything came together quickly thanks to the number of volunteers present. By early afternoon our Field Day site was ready allowing us to beat the heat of the day. As with all Field Days we had a few glitches. These were handled in typical Ham fashion calling on Plan B and Plan C.

The weather was hot, particularly on Saturday. I do not remember drinking as much water as I did Saturday. A thank you to everyone that kept an eye out for everyone and made sure that they were keeping hydrated. We slipped between two separate thunderstorms. One in the afternoon which developed south of our site. The other group of storms developed to our northwest. These storms slowly drifted south Saturday evening. Fortunately for us, when these storms reached I-70 they took a more easterly direction.

We will have a debrief for Field Day 2024 at our first July meeting. There have been several good ideas already discussed. So, bring your ideas to the meeting.

Bring your HT to the July 26 meeting and find out how loud or soft you sound on the air.


Bill KA2FNK, President



Welcome to nonprofit organization 501(c)(3)  EIN 48-1071476 dedicated to the advancement of Amateur Radio.  The club is involved in various public service events and many members are involved in other public service associated programs such as A.R.E  .S., E.C.S. and SATERN.



Amateur Radio events listed on this site are compiled from Larry's List emails - sent by Larry Staples WØAIB. This site is an addition to his emails conveying the wealth of material in an easy-to-read, consistent format by category of interest. These events generally have fixed schedules. For more time sensitive information, subscribe to Larry's List and get up-to-the-minute messages and announcements delivered by email.


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